What's your question for Erin?
by Kevin Maguire
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What's the best piece of advice you give to couples to make sure they keep a healthy sex life after having children?
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I try my best to share the parenting and household responsibilities equally with my wife. I try to give her time to be alone so she can recharge. She's still exhausted and has little to no desire to have sex. It's been a while like this. Is there anything else I can do to help her be more in the mood? I feel bad bringing it up because it just seems to make her feel pressured
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What do you think the main reasons are that couples stop / reduce the amount of sex they have after children? Physical? Emotional? Exhaustion? A combination of everything?
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Let's get to the point... how do I get my wife to want sex more?! Ever since having kids (we have 2), our sex life has faded. I don't blame her... it's been a lot of change and the pandemic hasn't helped. But it's been a few years now and I'm not sure how to get us out of this rut. Our relatoinship is strong. It's just this area that neither of us feel particularly great about
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Let's get to the point... how do I get my wife to want sex more?! Ever since having kids (we have 2), our sex life has faded. I don't blame her... it's been a lot of change and the pandemic hasn't helped. But it's been a few years now and I'm not sure how to get us out of this rut. Our relatoinship is strong. It's just this area that neither of us feel particularly great about
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